
  • Syahrial Ayub Universitas Mataram
  • Kosim Kosim Universitas Mataram
  • I Wayan Gunada Universitas Mataram
  • Muhammad Zuhdi Universitas Mataram



Keywords, model of learning, disaster awareness, primary school, earthquake



Mengajar adalah pekerjaan guru sehari-hari. Namun demikian, mengajar bagaimana siswa belajar, ternyata tidaklah mudah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) atau  yang biasa disebut  dengan RnD, yang bertujuan memberikan contoh nyata bagaimana cara mengajar dan menanamkan kesiapsiagaan bencana gempabumi pada masyarakat sekolah secara sederhana dan menyenangkan dengan model pembelajaran kesiapsiagaan bencana. Hasil penelitian berupa desain model pembelajaran kesiapsiagaan  bencana gempabumi dan struktur pembelajaran yang merupakan penerapan pendekatan saintifik pada kesiapsiagaan bencana. Penelitian ini berdasarkan pengembangan dan pengalaman tim peneliti dalam mengajar dan melakukan penelitian pada kepala sekolah, guru dan peserta didik di SD Negeri 6 Mataram. SD Negeri 6 Mataram merupakan pilot project dari penelitian ini dan akan diterapkan pada sekolah-sekolah lain di daerah kota, pesisir dan pegunungan di pulau Lombok. Respon kepala sekolah dan bapak ibu guru terhadap model pembelajaran kesiapsigaan ini sangat positif, dimana 95% menyatakan sangat tertarik dan hanya 5% yang menyatakan tertarik. Peserta didik sangat antusias dan terlibat aktif selama proses pembelajaran dan mereka merasakan manfaat yang berarti dari pembelajaran kesiapsigaan ini. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa model pembelajaran kesiapsigaan ini dapat menjadi acuan dalam menanamkan kesiapsigaan bencana pada masyarakat sekolah.


Kata Kunci : model pembelajaran kesiapsiagaan gempabumi; sekolah dasar; pulau Lombok; bencana



Teaching is every teacher’s daily job. Despite this, though, teaching in the way that students learn is not an easy thing to do. This research is a Research and Development—also known as RnD—study, aimed to give a real life example of how a teacher can teach and embed the awareness about natural disaster in an uncomplicated and fun way, by using disaster mitigation model of teaching. The study results in one design of disaster mitigation model of teaching and a teaching structure implementing scientific approach on disaster mitigation. This research is based on the development and real life experience of the researcher team in teaching and doing observation and research on the headmaster, teachers, and students of SD Negeri 6 Mataram. SD Negeri 6 Mataram is the pilot project of this study, which in return will be implemented in other schools in the urban, coastal area, as well as mountanious area in Lombok Island. The result shows that the headmaster and the teachers’ response towards disaster mitigation model of teaching had been really positive, with only 5% of the teachers claims that they are interested, whilst the other 95% claims that the study is extremely interesting for them. The students were very enthusiastic and active during the learning process. In addition, the claim to have meaningful benefit from this mitigation learning. This thus indicated that this disaster model of teaching and learning can be used as a guide or reference in embedding the awareness for natural disaster among school community.


Keywords: model of learning; disaster awareness; primary school; earthquake


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