teacher knowledge, TPACKAbstract
Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan ini adalah ingin menganalisis sejauh mana Pengetahuan Teknologi, pedagogi dan Content Knowledge Guru Guru IPA SMP dan Fisika SMA yang ada di Aceh Barat Daya, Pada Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode penelitian Analisis Kuantitatif, Data pada penelitian di peroleh dengan cara mengedarkan Angket yang telah disusun dan divalidasi, butir angket penelitian terdiri dari item pertanyaan yang mencakup Pedagogical Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Teknological Knowledge. Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Tecnological Content Knowledge, Tecnological Pedagogical Knowledge dan Tecnological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge  butir soal berjumlah 36 butir soal dengan 5 item pilihan sedangkan sampel yang terdiri dari guru IPA dan Fisika berjumlah 42 orang, Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan persentase setiap komponen, untuk bagian Tecnologi Knowlede Kategori tinggi (51%) untuk Pedagogical Knowledge di dominasi kategori tinggi (49%), untuk bagian Contect Knowledge didominasi kategori sedang (49%), untuk perpaduan teknologi dengan konten materi di kategori sedang (51%), untuk kategori perpaduan pedagogi dengan konten materi dikategori sedang (51%) sedangkan perpaduan teknologi dengan pedagogi didominasi kategori tinggi (47%)  berdasarkan hasil Analisis data secara keseluruhan pengetahuan guru IPA SMP dan Fisika SMA di kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya berkategori sedang dengan jumlah persentase sebanyak 56, 67 % . Berdasarkan data tersebut Guru guru IPA dan Guru Fisika SMA di kabupaten Aceh Barat daya sudah mengetahui Apa itu TPACK bahwa sudah menerapakan di dalam proses Pembelajaran serta mengintegrasikan didalam penggunaaan Teknologi Pembelajaran
Kata kunci: pengetahuan guru; TPACK,
The purpose of the research conducted is to analyse the extent of Technological Knowledge, pedagogy and Content Knowledge of Junior High School Science Teachers and High School Physics Teachers in Southwest Aceh, in this study using the Quantitative Analysis research method, the data in the study were obtained by circulating questionnaires that had been prepared and validated, the research questionnaire items consisted of question items that included Pedagogical Knowledge, Content Knowledge, Technological Knowledge. Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Tecnological Content Knowledge, Tecnological Pedagogical Knowledge and Tecnological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge question items totaled 36 items with 5 choice items while the sample consisting of 42 science and physics teachers, Data analysis in this study uses a percentage of each component, for the Tecnologi Knowlede section the high category (51%) for Pedagogical Knowledge is dominated by the high category (49%), for the Contect Knowledge section is dominated by the medium category (49%), for the combination of technology with material content in the medium category (51%), for the category of pedagogical integration with material content in the medium category (51%) while the combination of technology with pedagogy is dominated by the high category (47%) based on the results of data analysis overall knowledge of junior high school science teachers and high school physics in Southwest Aceh district is in the medium category with a total percentage of 56, 67%. Based on this data, science teachers and physics teachers in in Aceh Barat Daya district already know what TPACK is, that they have applied it in the learning process and integrated it in the use of learning technology.
Keywords: teacher knowledge; TPACK
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