motion sensor experiment, PBL, student characterAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Mengembangkan media motion sensor eksperimen (MSE) dalam problem based learning (PBL) yang layak digunakan.(2) Mengetahui kualitas motion sensor eksperimen (MSE) dalam problem based learning (PBL). Secara umum peneltian ini melalui 3 tahap utama, yaitu:Â (1)studi pendahuluan, (2) pembuatan dan pengembangan produk, (3) dan evaluasi. Tahapan pertama dan kedua telah dilakukan,sedangkan tahap ketiga sudah dilakukan kegiatan validasi ahli. Kemudian juga telah dilakukan uji coba pada siswa kelas X MA NW Narmada. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan,maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:(1) Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk motion sensor eksperimen (MSE) dalam problem based learning (PBL) yang telah dikembangkan telah layak untuk digunakan.(2) Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul motion sensor eksperimen (MSE) dalam problem based learning (PBL) yang telah dikembangkan telah layak untuk digunakan. Berdasarkan hasi luji coba diketahui bahwa produk hasil pengembangan dapat menumbuhkan karakter siswa dalam kategori baik.
Kata Kunci: motion sensor eksperiment; PBL; karakter siswa
This study aims to: (1) Develop experimental motion sensor media (MSE) in problem based learning (PBL) that is feasible to use. (2) Determine the quality of experimental motion sensor (MSE) in problem based learning (PBL). In general, this research goes through 3 main stages, namely: (1) preliminary study, (2) product manufacture and development, (3) and evaluation. The first and second stages have been carried out, while the third stage has carried out expert validation activities. Then a trial has also been carried out on class X MA NW Narmada students. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows: (1) Based on the results of expert validation, it can be concluded that the experimental motion sensor (MSE) product in problem based learning (PBL) that has been developed is feasible to use. (2) Based on the results Expert validation can be concluded that the experimental motion sensor module (MSE) in problem based learning (PBL) that has been developed is feasible to use. Based on the test results, it is known that the product developed can grow the character of students in the good category.
Keywords: motion sensor experiment; PBL; student character
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