



Feedback, Google Classroom, Pembelajaran Online


Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan respon peserta didik terhadap feedback tertulis yang diberikan oleh guru melalui Google classroom. Data berupa respon siswa dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Data yang terkumpul dideskripsikan secara kuantitatif. Sekitar 95 peserta didik yang sedang mengikuti pembelajaran online terlibat dalam penelitian ini secara suka rela. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 93,68% peserta didik setuju bahwa feedback tertulis yang diberikan oleh guru dapat membantu mereka untuk memahami materi pelajaran. Selain itu, sebesar 94,74% peserta didik setuju bahwa feedback tertulis yang diberikan oleh guru mampu memotivasi mereka untuk mempelajari materi pelajaran. Terlebih, 95,78% peserta didik juga setuju bahwa Google classroom dapat membantu mereka untuk mendapatkan feedback dari guru lebih mudah selama pembelajaran online.  

Abstract:  This was a quantitative descriptive research that was aimed to describe the responses’ of students on teacher’s written feedbacks through Google classroom. Data were collected using questionnaire then, they were described quantitatively. About 95 students who studied online participated in this study voluntary. The result of this study showed that the students gave positive responses on teacher’s feedback using Google classroom during learning process. It was found that 93.68% of students agreed that the teacher’s written feedbacks were able to help them to understand the lesson material. In addition, 94.74% of students agreed that the teacher’s written feedback were able to motivate them to learn the lesson. Furthermore, 95.78% of students also agreed that Google classroom was able to help them to get feedback from teacher during online learning easier. 


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