Physical Quality of Kitchen Lemongrass Powder (Cymbopogon citratus L.) Result of Convection Oven Drying


  • Dian Purbasari Jember University
  • Anisa Dimas Anggraini Jember University



Lemongrass, Kitchen Lemongrass, Drying, Oven, Temperature, Duration,


Lemongrass is one of the grass plants that can be cultivated in
Indonesia. lemongrass has benefits as a food fragrance by processing it directly
into the dish. The parts of lemongrass that are used as food fragrances are the
stems and leaves. The use of lemongrass can be developed if it is processed
properly. One way of processing it is to make lemongrass powder in the so that it
has a longer and practical shelf life. The process used to make lemongrass powder
is the drying process using a convection oven. The purpose of this study was to
determine the drying process of lemongrass using a convection oven with the effect
of temperature differences and drying duration and to determine the physical
quality of lemongrass powder. The result of this research is that the water content
in lemongrass powder is <12% with the physical quality of the color brightness (L)
at a temperature of 60℃ and a drying duration of 22 hours getting the highest
value of 76.05. The highest value of reddish color (a) is 5.88 at a temperature of
80℃ and a duration of 20 hours. The highest value of yellowish color (b) is 16.23
at a temperature of 60℃ and a duration of 22 hours. The highest bulk density is
0.54 g/cm3 at 70℃ and a duration of 22 hours. The highest water absorption
capacity is 5.44 ml/g at 60℃ and 18 hours duration. The highest stack angle is
40.69˚ at a temperature of 60℃ and a duration of 18 hours.


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