Screening for Resistance to Powdery Mildew (Podosphaera sp.) On Accessions of Cutleaf Groundcherry (Physalis angulata L.) from Indonesia


  • Lulu Lazimatul Khoiriyah Universitas Brawijaya
  • Darmawan Saptadi Universitas Brawijaya
  • Budi Waluyo Universitas Brawijaya

Kata Kunci:

biopharmaceuticals, variability, selection, powdery mildew, diseases incidence


Abstrak:  Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) adalah tumbuhan liar yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai obat tradisional. Bahan baku agroindustri untuk biofarmaka membutuhkan kontinuitas produksi secara kuantitas dan kualitas. Embun tepung (Podosphaera sp.) biasanya menyerang seluruh bagian tanaman ciplukan sehingga menurunkan kualitas tanaman. Universitas Brawijaya mempunyai aksesi ciplukan dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk melakukan skrining ketahanan aksesi ciplukan terhadap embun tepung. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya di Desa Jatimulyo, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang. Percobaan dilaksanakan Juni - Agustus 2021. Bahan penelitian terdiri dari 100 aksesi ciplukan, polibag, media tanah, dan pupuk. Percobaan disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Setiap aksesi pada satu plot terdiri dari 3 tanaman sehingga total ada 9 tanaman untuk seluruh ulangan. Aksesi-aksesi ciplukan asal Indonesia menunjukkan keragaman respon terhadap serangan embun tepung pada 14 hari setelah tanam, berkisar antara 0% - 55.6%. Berdasarkan kejadian penyakit maka dapat ditetapkan bahwa 49 aksesi sangat tahan (0.00%), 29 aksesi tahan (1-20%), 21 aksesi agak tahan (21-40%), dan 1 aksesi agak rentan (41-60%). Dengan demikian berdasarkan penelitian ini diperoleh bahan genetik ciplukan untuk bahan baku biofarmaka yang tahan terhadap penyakit embun tepung.


Abstract: Cutleaf groundcherry (P. angulata L.) is a wild plant that is utilized as traditional medicine. Agroindustry raw materials for biopharmaceuticals require constant production in both quantity and quality. Powdery mildew (Podosphaera sp.) typically damages all areas of cutleaf groundcherry plant, lowering plant quality. Universitas Brawijaya has cutleaf groundcherry accessions from all throughout Indonesia. The study's goal was to screen powdery mildew resistance of cutleaf groundcherry accessions. The study was conducted in greenhouse of the Experimental Field Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya in Jatimulyo, Lowokwaru, Malang City. The experiment took place between June-August 2021. The research materials included 100 accessions cutleaf groundcherry, polybags, soil media, and fertilizer. The experiment was using randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Each accession in one plot had three plants, for a total of nine plants throughout all replications. At 14 dap plants showed responses to powdery mildew ranging from 0% to 55.6%. Based on disease incidence, it can be determined that 49 accessions were very resistant (0.00%), 29 accessions were resistant (1-20%), 21 accessions were moderately resistant (21-40%), 1 accession was moderately susceptible (41-60%). Based on this research, cutleaf groundcherry accessions were obtained as raw materials for biopharmaceuticals that are resistant to powdery mildew.


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