Tentang Jurnal Ini

Focus and Scope

The Focus and Scope of the JINTENS is the field of information system and information technology, which deals with topics such as distance learning, learning media, information technology curriculum, e-learning, mobile learning, learning design, learning evaluation. In addition, topics related to technology such as database systems, software engineering, software architecture, software testing, user interface/user experience, computer networks, mobile applications, cloud computing, data communications, cyber security, multimedia systems, animation , augmented reality, virtual reality, virtual tours, information systems, data warehouse, data and text mining, data science, social network analysis, business intelligence, decision support systems, artificial intelligence, computer vision, semantic web, expert systems, fuzzy logic, information recovery (IR), machine learning, deep learning, blockchain, ethical hacking, and other allied topics

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.