
  • Syahrial Ayub Universitas Mataram
  • Joni Rokhmat Universitas Mataram
  • Ahmad Harjono Universitas Mataram
  • Wahyudi Wahyudi Universitas Mataram



hypocenter, epicenter, mount Merapi, HIPO9, volcanic earthquake



Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap gempa volkanik gunung Merapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan hiposenter dan episenter gempa volkanik gunung Merapi dengan HIPO9. Analisis dilakukan dalam dua kawasan, yaitu kawasan waktu dan kawasan frekuensi. Dalam kawasan waktu ditentukan waktu tiba gempa volkanik. Dalam kawasan frekuensi diperoleh informasi tentang frekuensi sumber dan lebar pita frekuensi yang akan diloloskan. Hasil analisis mendapatkan frekuensi sumber 6 Hz dan lebar pita frekuensi 0,1 Hz. Hasil pengeplotan dengan HIPO9, episenter gempa volkanik cenderung mengumpul di sekitar puncak gunung merapi, dengan hiposenter gempa volkanik terdistribusi pada kedalaman 1200 m sampai 1300 m.


Kata kunci : hiposenter; episenter; gunung Merapi; HIPO9; gempa volkanik.



Volcanic earthquakes of mount Merapi have been investigated. The aim of the investigation to determine the hypocenter and epicenter of the volcanic earthquake of mount Merapi by HIPO9. The analysis was carried out in two domains, the time domain and the frequency domain. The analysis in the time domain was conducted by the arrival time of volcanic earthquake. The analysis in the frequency domain was done by observing spectrum to get information on frequency of source and frequency band width passed from polarization. The analysis lead to frequency of source 6 Hz and band width of 0,1 Hz. The results of plotting with HIPO9, the epicenter of volcanic earthquakes tend to gather around the top of Mount Merapi, with the hypocenter of the volcanic earthquake distributed at a depth of 1200 m to 1300 m. Keywords: hypocenter; epicenter; mount Merapi; HIPO9; volcanic earthquake.


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