
  • Susilawati Susilawati Universitas Mataram
  • Aris Doyan Universitas Mataram
  • Kosim Kosim Universitas Mataram
  • Napaani Syafaati Universitas Mataram
  • Lalu Muliyadi Universitas Mataram



composite, coconut coir fiber, terminalia catappa fruit fiber, PVAc.



Sintesis komposit mengggunakan campuran serat sabut kelapa  dan serat buah ketapang  dengan matrik Polyvinil Acetat (PVAc) telah berhasil dilakukan. Sampel tersebut dibuat dengan variasi komposisi fraksi volume serat sabut kelapa dan serat buah ketapang yaitu (0:100), (30:70), (40:60), (50:50), (60:40), (70:30) dan (100:0)%. Perbandingan fraksi volume campuran serat alami dan matrik polyvinyl Acetat (PVAc) yang dibuat yaitu (70:30)%. Pembuatan sampel diawali dengan pengambilan serat sabut kelapa dan buah ketapang, penjemuran dan pemotongan, kemudian pencampuran serat sabut kelapa dan serat buah ketapang dengan matriks PVAc, pencetakan komposit dengan alat cetak tekan dan penjemuran. Sampel yang sudah jadi selanjutnya diuji fisiknya dengan cara menentukan nilai massa jenis dan kadar air sampel  untuk melihat kualitas sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara keseluruhan sampel telihat homogen, massa jenis sampel berkisar antara 0,52- 0,72 gram/cm3 dan nilai kadar air berkisar antara 10,05- 12,89%. Hal ini berarti bahwa sampel komposit telah memenuhi kriteria SNI 03-02105-2006 dan termasuk pada katagori berkerapatan sedang.


Kata kunci: komposit; serat sabut kelapa; serat buah ketapang; PVAc.



Synthesis using a mixture of Coconut coir fiber and Terminalia catappa fruit fiber with the Polyvinyl Acetate (PVAc) matrix has been successfully carried out. The samples were made with variations in the composition of the volume fraction of Coconut coir fiber and Terminalia catappa fruit fiber, namely (0: 100), (30:70), (40:60), (50:50), (60:40), (70:30) ) and (100: 0)%. The ratio of the volume fraction of the mixture of natural fibers and the polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) matrix made was (70:30)%. The sample production begins with taking Coconut coir and Terminalia catappa fruit, drying and cutting, then mixing coconut coir and Terminalia catappa fruit fiber with a PVAc matrix, molding the composites using a press printing tool and drying. The finished sample is then physically tested by determining the density value and moisture content of the sample to see the quality of the sample. The results showed that the overall sample looked homogeneous, the density of the sample ranged from 0.52 to 0.72 grams/cm3 and the moisture content ranged from 10.05 to 12.89%. This means that the composite sample has met the SNI 03-02105-2006 criteria and is included in the medium density category.


Keywords: composite; coconut coir fiber; terminalia catappa fruit fiber; PVAc.


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