


diagnostic assessment, four-tier, concept understanding, engineering student.



Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan asesmen diagnostik miskonsepsi berformat four-tier untuk mengungkap profil pemahaman konsep mahasiswa teknik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D). Sampel penelitian yaitu mahasiswa prodi teknik elektro politeknik Muhammadiyah Tegal. Analisis data terdiri dari uji validasi ahli, uji keterbacaan, dan uji skala besar yang meliputi uji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen. Hasil uji validasi ahli diperoleh instrumen layak digunakan dengan revisi minor. Hasil uji keterbacaan diperoleh tingkat keterbacaan kalimat dan gambar baik. Hasil uji skala besar diperoleh delapan soal dinyatakan valid. Hasil uji reliabilitas diperoleh nilai Cronbach’s Alpha = 0,858, sehingga instrument reliabel. Hasil uji pemahaman konsep mahasiswa diperoleh sebanyak 21,4 % mahasiswa paham konsep, 14,2 % paham konsep, tetapi tidak yakin, 13,7 % paham sebagian, 26 % tidak paham konsep, dan 27,9 % Miskonsepsi. Temuan miskonsepsi terbesar yaitu mahasiswa menganggap kuat arus listrik yang melalui percabangan yang paling dekat dengan sumber tegangan memiliki nilai paling besar.


Kata kunci: asesmen diagnostik; four-tier; pemahaman konsep; mahasiswa teknik.



This study aims to develop a four-tiered misconception diagnostic assessment to reveal the profile of engineering students' conceptual understanding. This research is a development research (R & D). The research sample was students of the electrical engineering study program at the Politeknik Muhammadiyah Tegal. Data analysis consisted of expert validation test, readability test, and large-scale test. The results of the expert validation test obtained that the instrument was suitable for use. The results of the readability test obtained that the level of legibility and clarity of sentences and pictures was good. The results of the large-scale test obtained that eight questions were declared valid. The results of the reliability test obtained the value of Cronbach's Alpha = 0.858, so the instrument is reliable. The results of the student's concept understanding test were obtained as many as 21.4% of students understood the concept, 14.2% understood the concept, but were not sure, 13.7% understood partly, 26% did not understand the concept, and 27.9% had misconceptions. The biggest misconception finding is that students think that the electric current that passes through the branch closest to the voltage source has the greatest value.


Keywords: diagnostic assessment; four-tier; concept understanding; engineering student.

Author Biographies

Doni Setiawan, Prodi Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Muhammadiyah Tegal

department of electrical engineering

Nuri Nuri, Prodi Teknik Elektro, Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Pati

department of electrical engineering

Nina Faoziyah, Prodi Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Muhammadiyah Tegal


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