photostock, school promotion, 4D.Abstract
Fotografi memegang peranan yang cukup penting dalam mensukseskan kegiatan promosi sebuah institusi sekolah di media sosial. SMA Kristen Imanuel Batam memiliki website dan media sosial namun foto yang ditampilkan dinilai sangat minim dalam menginformasikan kepada masyarakat tentang sekolah dan kegiatannya. Foto yang digunakan sudah bersifat overused dan tidak memiliki daya tarik dikarenakan tidak melalui proses editing. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan photostock untuk memperbarui koleksi foto. Proses pelaksanaan kegiatan photostock menggunakan metode 4D yang terdiri dari define, design, develop dan disseminate. Kegiatan photostock telah membantu SMA Kristen Immanuel memperoleh stok foto sejumlah 100 foto sebagai informasi sekolah yang ditampilkan melalui instagram dan upaya promosi bagi masyarakat di Kota Batam khususnya bagi calon murid baru supaya lebih mengenal sekolah, kegiatan pembelajaran dan prestasi yang telah diraih.
Kata kunci: photostock; promosi sekolah; 4d.
Photography plays an important role in the success of the promotional activities of a school institution on social media. Imanuel Christian High School Batam has a website and social media but the photos shown are considered very minimal in informing the public about the school and its activities. The photos used are overused and have no appeal because they don't go through the editing process. Therefore, it is necessary to do photostock to update the photo collection. The process of implementing photostock activities uses the 4D method which consists of define, design, develop and disseminate. Photostock activities have helped Immanuel Christian High School obtain stock photos of 100 photos as school information that is displayed via Instagram and promotional efforts for the community in Batam City, especially prospective new students to get to know the school, learning activities and achievements that have been achieved.
Keywords: photostock; school promotion; 4D.
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