pembelajaran online, schoology, learning management systemAbstract
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, Pandemi COVID-19 membawa perubahan besar dalam segala aspek kehidupan.  Proses kegiatan pembelajaran dikelas menjadi salah satu aspek yang terkena dampak yang sangat signifikan. Proses pembelajaran online menjadi strategi jitu untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan belajar mengajar dalam situasi merebaknya wabah  virus Covid- 19 yang mematikan. Banyak yang siap, tetapi tidak sedikit pula yang merasa kewalahan. Menanggapi fenomena tersebut, tim pengabdian  melakukan kegiatan pelatihan persiapan pembelajaran online berbasis  Schoology . Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara online dalam bentuk virtual meeting/webinar menggunakan aplikasi zoom meeting.  Sebanyak 64 peserta  yang aktif mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan persiapan ini. Ke-64 peserta tersebut didominasi oleh guru dan guru magang. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, peserta pelatihan mengikuti kegiatan dengan antusias, hal ini terlihat dari keaktifan peserta yang dapat bertahan mengikuti kegiatan online hingga kegiatan selesai, serta antusias peserta dalam mengikuti sesi tanya jawab. Hasil evaluasi melalui angket juga menunjukan bahwa kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat yang besar dalam membantu guru-guru mempersiapkan proses pembelajaran online.  Para peserta mendapat wawasan baru terkait penggunaan Schoology sebagai Learning Management System  atau wadah pembelajaran online yang ramah bagi siswa dan guru.
Kata kunci: pembelajaran online; schoology; learning management system
It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes in all aspects of life. The process of learning activities in the classroom is one aspect that has a very significant impact. The online learning process is a surefire strategy to facilitate teaching and learning activities during the outbreak of the deadly Covid-19 virus. Many are ready, but not a few are feeling overwhelmed. Responding to this phenomenon, the service team conducted training activities for online learning preparation based on Schoology. This activity is done online via a virtual meeting/webinar using the Zoom meeting application. A total of 64 participants actively participated in this preparatory training activity. Teachers and preservice teachers dominated the 64 participants. During the activity, the training participants participated enthusiastically; this could be seen from the activeness of the participants who could survive online activities until the activity was completed, as well as the participants' enthusiasm in participating in the question and answer session. The evaluation results through the questionnaire also showed that this activity provided significant benefits in helping teachers prepare for the online learning process. The participants got new insights regarding using Schoology as a Learning Management System or a friendly online learning platform for students and teachers.
Keywords: pembelajaran online; schoology; learning management system
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