
  • Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana Universitas Jember http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5706-5580
  • Deviana Fitria Astuti
  • Ilham Kurniawan
  • Ana Putri Lestari
  • Damaita Afriana Hartanti Br Regar
  • Tifana Fairus Nabillah Istiqomah
  • Deril Indana Damayanti
  • Agung Triyahya Putra
  • Berlian Lanny Dellasyah
  • Mukhammad Ibadhus Sholikhin
  • Aliyatun Niswah
  • Ali Wafa
  • Sigit Prastowo




bioremediation, extension, Trichoderma sp.



Desa Mrawan yang terletak di Kecamatan Mayang, Kabupaten Jember memiliki lahan pertanian mencapai ± 1.145 ha yang menjadi salah satu desa penopang ketahanan pangan. Potensi pertanian di Desa Mrawan cukup besar dengan komoditas tanaman yang dibudidayakan meliputi tanaman padi, jagung, dan kacang-kacangan. Hasil produktivitas tanaman budidaya di Kabupaten Jember mencapai 6-8 ton per ha, akan tetapi di Desa Mrawan rata-rata hanya mencapai 3,5 sampai dengan 4 ton per ha. Adapun permasalahan disebabkan oleh degradasi lahan yang mengakibatkan rusaknya struktur fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah. Selain itu permasalahan lainnya yaitu serangan hama dan penyakit pada tanaman budidaya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut dilakukan penyuluhan mengenai bioremediasi lahan menggunakan bahan organik yang dikombinasikan dengan Trichoderma sp sebagai agens bioremediasi. Metode yang digunakan meliputi seminar, ceramah, dan praktik. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah petani memiliki keterampilan dalam produksi pupuk organik dan teknologi bioremediasi.


Kata kunci: bioremediasi; penyuluhan; Trichoderma sp



The village of Mrawan, situated in Mayang Sub-district, Jember Regency, boasts an agricultural expanse of roughly 1145 ha, thus serving as one of the key villages supporting food security. The agricultural potential of Mrawan Village is notably vast, encompassing a range of crops such as rice, corn, and legumes. While the productivity of cultivated crops in Jember Regency amounts to 6-8 tons per ha, Mrawan Village's yield is merely an average of 3.5 to 4 tons per ha, largely due to land degradation that has led to the physical, chemical, and biological degradation of the soil structure. Furthermore, pest attacks and crop diseases pose additional challenges. Consequently, to address these concerns, education on land bioremediation utilizing organic materials in conjunction with Trichoderma sp as a bioremediation agent was conducted through a range of methods including seminars, lectures, and practical exercises. As a result of this initiative, farmers have gained competencies in the production of organic fertilizers and bioremediation technology.


Keywords: bioremediation; extension; Trichoderma sp.


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