prenatal gentle yoga, relaxationAbstract
Selama kehamilan pikiran dan tubuh ibu hamil mengalami berbagai perubahan. Perubahan fisik yang muncul mengakibatkan ibu mengalami beberapa keluhan nyeri pada punggung bagian belakang, badan terasa lebih lemas, dan mudah lelah. Prenatal gentle yoga dan relaksasi dapat dilakukan selama kehamilan dapat membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan ibu. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan kader kesehatan di Wilayah kelurahan Gunung Lingkas Tarakan ibu hamil sering mengeluhkan badan terasa pegal – pegal, nyeri punggung dan kaku, selain itu ibu hamil di wilayah ini belum pernah mengikuti senam selama hamil.  Kegiatan ini berlangsung di kelurahan Gunung Lingkas Tarakan. Latihan prenatal gentle  yoga dan relaksasi dapat mengurangi keluhan keluhan yang muncul pada kehamilan, serta dapat membantu membuat ibu lebih tenang dan rileks selama kehamilan, serta membantu mempersiapkan ibu dalam menghadapi persalinanya menjadi lebih tenang, mudah dan lancar.
Kata kunci: prenatal gentle yoga; rileksasi.
During pregnancy, the mind and body of a pregnant woman undergo various changes. The physical changes that appear cause the mother to experience several complaints of pain in the back, the body feels weaker, and gets tired easily. Prenatal gentle yoga and relaxation can be done during pregnancy can help improve the well-being of the mother. Based on interviews with health cadres in the Gunung Lingkas sub-district, Tarakan, pregnant women often complain of body aches, back pain and stiffness, besides that pregnant women in this area have never participated in exercise during pregnancy. This activity took place in the village of Gunung Lingkas, Tarakan. Gentle yoga and relaxation prenatal exercises can reduce complaints that arise in pregnancy, and can help make mothers calmer and more relaxed during pregnancy, and help prepare mothers to face childbirth to be calmer, easier and smoother.
Keywords: prenatal gentle yoga; relaxation
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