
  • Evi Maria Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Martin Setyawan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Suharyadi Suharyadi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana



creativity, photography training, tourist destination, G-Pass



Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kreativitas Karang Taruna Kridha Arum sebagai pengelola destinasi wisata Gedong Pass (G-Pass) melalui pelatihan fotografi dengan keindahan alam G-Pass sebagai obyeknya. Pelatihan ini dapat membantu Karang Taruna Kridha Arum untuk dapat menyediakan foto-foto yang akan digunakan untuk promosi destinasi wisata G-Pass melalui media sosial. Pelatihan fotografi dilakukan dari tanggal 8-10 Mei 2021, setiap hari ada dua sesi, yaitu sesi pemaparan materi tentang konsep dasar fotografi dan sesi praktik fotografi, sedangkan kegiatan pendampingan fotografi dilakukan sampai akhir bulan Juni 2021 melalui grup whatsapp. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh delapan orang pemuda Dusun Gedong yang merupakan anggota dari Karang Taruna Kridha Arum. Peserta pelatihan diberi materi dasar-dasar fotografi, terkait pengenalan fitur kamera di telepon genggam, pencahayaan, point of interest, ruang tajam dan komposisi serta proses pengunggahannya di media sosial. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan fotografi, para peserta sudah dapat menyediakan foto-foto destinasi wisata G-Pass dengan mutu visual yang baik dan sudah mengunggahnya pada media sosial baik itu media sosial milik pribadi maupun milik G-Pass untuk mempromosikan destinasi wisata G-Pass, Dusun Gedong.


Kata kunci: kreativitas; pelatihan fotografi; destinasi wisata; G-Pass



The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the creativity of Kridha Arum Youth Organization as the manager of the Gedong Pass (G-Pass) tourist destination through photography training with the natural beauty of the G-Pass as the object. This training can help Kridha Arum Youth Organization to be able to provide photos that will be used for the promotion of G-Pass tourist destinations through social media. Photography training will be held from 8-10 May 2021, every day there are two sessions, namely a presentation session on the basic concepts of photography and a photography practice session in the area around the G-Pass, while photography assistance activities are carried out until the end of June 2021 through the whatsapp group. This training was attended by eight youths from Gedong Hamlet who are members of the Kridha Arum Youth Organization. The training participants were given the basics of photography, related to the introduction of camera features on mobile phones, lighting, point of interest, sharp space and composition as well as the process of uploading them on social media. After participating in the photography training, the participants have been able to provide photos of G-Pass tourist destinations with good visual quality and have uploaded them on social media, both personal and G-Pass social media to promote the G-Pass tourist destination, Dusun Gedong.


Kata kunci: creativity; photography training; tourist destination; G-Pass

Author Biography

Evi Maria, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


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