posyandu cadre, growth, baby massage.Abstract
Di Indonesia pijat bayi sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia sejak jaman Hindia Belanda dan sudah menjadi suatu tradisi di lingkungan masyarakat Indonesia. Di desa – desa atau di kampung pemijatan pada bayi sering dilakukan oleh dukun bayi maupun dukun pijat, namun cara dan tujuannya berbeda dengan pijat bayi saat ini. Pada beberapa tahun terkahir ini fungsi maupun manfaat dari pijat bayi mulai diperhatikan oleh para ahli medis dan mereka mulai meninjau dari aspek kesehatan bidang kedokteran. Pemijatan yang rutin dilakukan terbukti dapat menambah berat badan pada bayi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberdayakan kader posyandu dalam pemantauan pertumbuhan dengan pijat bayi. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengang pemberian TOT (Training of Trainer) Pijat bayi dan pendampingan kader Posyandu dalam melaksanakan Pijat Bayi. Peserta pelatihan pijat bayi berjumlah 6 orang perwakilan kader Posyandu Aggrek di Desa Mangliawan Kab. Malang. Hasil kegiatan dapat terlihat meningkatnya keterampilan kader Posyandu tentang pijat bayi dan pemantauan pertumbuhan bayi/ balita pada saat pendampingan. Peningkatan keterampilan kader mempunyai manfaat lebih mudah menemukan gangguan pertumbuhan anak sejak dini, sehingga upaya pencegahan, upaya stimulasi dan upaya penyembuhan serta upaya pemulihan dapat diberikan dengan indikasi jelas sedini mungkin pada masa-masa rentan tumbuh kembang.
Kata Kunci : kader posyandu; pertumbuhan; pijat bayi
In Indonesia, baby massage has been known by the Indonesian people since the Dutch East Indies era and has become a tradition in Indonesian society. In villages or in the village, infant massage is often carried out by traditional birth attendants or traditional massage therapists, but the method and purpose are different from current infant massage. In recent years, the functions and benefits of baby massage have begun to be noticed by medical experts and they have begun to review the health aspects of the medical field. Regular massage has been shown to increase baby's weight. The purpose of this community service activity is to empower posyandu cadres in monitoring growth with baby massage. The method used is by giving TOT (Training of Trainer) baby massage and mentoring Posyandu cadres in carrying out Baby Massage. The participants of the baby massage training were 6 representatives of Aggrek Posyandu cadres in Mangliawan Village, Kab. Poor. The results of the activity can be seen increasing the skills of Posyandu cadres regarding infant massage and monitoring the growth of infants/toddlers during mentoring. Improving the skills of cadres has the benefit of making it easier to find children's growth disorders from an early age, so that prevention efforts, stimulation efforts and healing efforts as well as recovery efforts can be given with clear indications as early as possible during vulnerable periods of growth and development.
Keywords : posyandu cadre; growth; baby massage.
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